Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Maharashtra

Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Maharashtra

Rural Devolopement

Development for self-reliance

The Gram Vikas project of Kalyan Ashram is established to empower the development in villages. For a nation to develop, not only its cities but also the villages should contribute in the progress. To make this possible, Kalyan Ashram has put an aim of total development of villages through its Gram Vikas projects.

Our concept and focus of village development activity

Education is the prerequisite of development.
Water shade management; preservation and creation of water sources
Water conservation – Jalpoojan and Check dams, Digging ponds, Recharging of wells
Developing the forest areas – Van Poojan and Protection of forests
Development of cultivable land – Soil testing and Organic farming
Preservation of Bio-Diversity – Bio-Diversity Register & Van Sabji Mahotsav
Protection of Environment through tree plantation.
Preservation of Traditional seeds – Seed festival
Caring for livestock (domestic animals)

Additional Activities

Water conservation and harvesting projects are run in the State of West Bengal on a large scale. About 500 ponds have been developed for water conservation in 4 districts.

This has resulted in a considerable increase in the groundwater level, tremendous enhancements in the agricultural field and the decrease in the rate of labour migration.