Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Maharashtra

Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Maharashtra

Get Involved

How You Can Help ?

Be A Volunteer
Please donate your Time. We need volunteers to work on various projects. Only qualification required is Passion To Give Back to the Society
Donate Skills
Are you a Doctor, Architect, Engineer, Designer, Teacher or possess any other professional skills ? We would love to get your professional guidance
Donate in Kind
You may donate in kind by providing us with raw food items, clothing, educational equipments, dormitory material, stationery,office supplies & more.
Donate Money
We need money to carry out various projects. Please donate as much as you can towards this noble cause. All donations are exempted under IT Act 80G
Corporate Social Responsibility
Schools, Hostels, Check dams, Gram Vikas – we have finished projects under these categories under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Spread The World
Spread The Word
Inform your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours about us. Shout out loud on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp & other Social Media about us.