Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Maharashtra

Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Maharashtra

About us

Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram

A Service Mission for Janjati – A Vision in Action

Who we are ?

Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram (VKA) is a voluntary organisation with a committed and self-motivated workforce of volunteers. It was founded in 1952 by the great visionary Vanayogi Balasaheb Deshpande. The objective of Kalyan Ashram is to work for the all-round development of Janjatis. To meet this objective, the organisation runs several service projects in the areas of Education, Health Care, Sports, Arts & Culture and Self Employment etc throughout the country.


A Service Mission for Janjati – A Vision in Action
  • VKA is one of the prominent Non-Governmental Organisation working in many domains for the upliftment of Janjati.

  • A unique organisation in the world, working to bridge up the gap between Janjati (Tribal Communities) and Nagarwasi (City / Urban Dwellers).

  • Working to make everyone realise the sense of oneness between Janjati and Nagarwasi

  • The organisation having service mission projects in all the states of India.

  • Total numbers of Projects run by VKA are 20 thousand+

  • Total numbers of Project Places are 14 thousand +

What We Do

We work across several categories – known as Aayam – which include : Education, Resident Schools & Hostels, Water (conservation & management), Health, Sports, Rural Development, Culture Preservation, Industrial Training Centers, Agricultural Development Centers, Self Help Groups, Saving Groups (Bachat Gat) – and more.